
Even though you’ve grown up,And built an independent life,Away from everything familiar. It brings me great comfort to know, That you’re on the other side of the ocean,Still enjoying the sunsets we used to watch together.-ZeinaA.G


Carefree memories immediately returned to her mind,She could almost feel the sensation of sand beneath her feet,And she eagerly followed a path she’d run through a hundred times. She stared at the horizon,Remembering how many times she’d come here asking for guidance. The trees swayed as if saying goodbye to the sun,She wasn’t sure if…

For Mother’s Day♥

Dedicated to my Grandmother & Aunt♥ She woke up at the break of dawn as she had done a million times before. She placed the kettle on the stove and headed over to the framed photos to greet all that she had lost. She glanced at the newly painted rock in front of the frames…

Ceasefire NOW! poetry series #2

A Note From the Editor To those who commemorate, Alien Buddha Press wishes you a safe and liberating Ramadan. To those who may feel alienated by this series, or my posts, please understand this… I know that there are innocent people on the other side who are now, and have suffered from the situation that…


You taught me how to enjoy life, To find joy in the simple things,But you never taught me how to navigate your absence,And the sadness that came with it… You never taught me how to stay still and take it all in completely. ZeinaA.G


Sometimes memories tapped the corners of her mind like a gentle visitor, Reminding her to look back at all the love.Other times they struck her like an arrow right through the heart.ZeinaA.G

Word Of The Year 2023

Hi everyone,Sorry I’ve been away. I’ve missed you all. Hope everything’s going well with your writing. I took a small break from October until now. I realized today that I never published a word for 2022. A lot was going on at the end of 2021. I was grieving people I never knew would return…

White Feather

I promised to get out of the house yesterday, to connect with nature. Suddenly 20 years since we last celebrated my godmother’s birthday together seemed heavy. It’s a loss I know nobody can fully understand and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemies. Grief can still choke you, even while staring at a beautiful…